

The party is over, turn out the lights, stick a fork in it, its a done deal.  Meet your next President, Michael Richard Pence.



The experiment Donald J. Trump as President has failed as expected.  What else could have possible happened?  I predict old Donny will retire sometime this year and go to convfefeland aka Fantasy Island.  Sorry about the grammar, even spell check has no answer for Trumpology.  What went wrong?  I think the question should be what went right?  Look, the man is being eaten alive from the FBI, the Senate, Republicans, Democrats, left-wing, right-wing, media, circuit courts, ethnic groups, and Saturday Night Live.  The only person that hasn’t chewed a piece of that ass is his wife.  His son is law is getting butt pumped by Putin, he’s getting no nookie with Melania in NY, Ivanka is selling panties to China, no on wants to work for him, his staff is like the castaways from Gilligan’s Island, while North Korea is shooting missiles like it’s the 4th of July, and the Saudis gives him a Flava Flav medal of stupidity.  I can’t remember if he has ever told the truth, he doesn’t go to church, he has the KFC app on the executive cell phone, he can’t spell, he makes up words, and wtf is wrong with his fro? (thats hair to our light-skinned friends) He gives out his phone number like somebody wants it, and he’ll give you classified info if you’ll be his BFF.  Now he wants us to swim in polluted water, reintroduce black lung to coal miners, increase health care costs for the elderly, eliminate Medicaid, ban Muslims, tax cuts for the privileged and build a wall, while 39 people got shot in Chicago last weekend.



Who’s fault?

The Electoral College is the culprit.  Dirty Donny lost the popular which should mean something, right?  If you don’t know about the EC, read my last article in the archives section of this post.  Basically it was created in 1876 when only white men were allowed to vote, you know like Trump’s cabinet.  It’s basically designed to ensure your vote does not count if you live in the wrong state.



Good luck amending the Constitution which still has slave talk in it.  Do your homework people.  My God, Trump would be unemployable if he had to find work like you and I.  As a Manager in charge of hiring, he would be a poster child of how not act when seeking employment.  He couldn’t work with women, brown skins, Muslims or anyone he finds unattractive or pleasantly plump.  No, no, no…discrimination, out you go!  Dirty Donny was controversial from the start.  He lacks poise, dignity and resourcefulness.  A little charisma, intelligence and experience would help also.  Dude is creepy if you ask me, and definitely does not come of as being genuine.  Most importantly, there is nothing cool about this guy.  I know he can’t dunk, never seen him bobbing his head to hip hop or any music, he doesn’t drink, zero cool points.  I think he needs a fatty.  Simply put, if it walks like duck flip your ticket folks.  I’m out…..Mandela!




~ by E. Tomlin on June 1, 2017.

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